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In this project you will learn how to use a sound sensor to control a motor. The sound sensor detects sounds (for example a clap) and sends a signal to the Raspberry Pi, which activates a motor.
Connect the sound sensor:
VCC: Connect to 3.3V (pin 1).
GND: Connect to GND (pin 6).
DO (digital output): Connect to GPIO 17 (pin 11).
Connect the ULN2003 driver to the stepper motor:
Stepper motor: Connect the connector of the stepper motor to the header of the ULN2003 driver.
ULN2003 driver:
IN1: Connect to GPIO 27 (pin 13).
IN2: Connect to GPIO 22 (pin 15).
IN3: Connect to GPIO 23 (pin 16).
IN4: Connect to GPIO 24 (pin 18).
VCC: Connect to 5V (pin 2).
GND: Connect to GND (pin 6).
GPIO | Pin # | Function | Connection |
GPIO 17 | Pin 11 | Digital input | Sound sensor DO |
GPIO 27 | Pin 13 | Stepper motor | ULN2003 IN1 |
GPIO 22 | Pin 15 | Stepper motor | ULN2003 IN2 |
GPIO 23 | Pin 16 | Stepper motor | ULN2003 IN3 |
GPIO 24 | Pin 18 | Stepper motor | ULN2003 IN4 |
3.3V | Pin 1 | Nutrition | Sound sensor VCC |
5V | Pin 2 | Nutrition | ULN2003 VCC |
GND | Pin 6 | Earth (Ground) | Sound sensor and ULN2003 |
Open the Thonny Python IDE and enter the following code:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep
from collections import deque
# Geluidssensor en motor-pinnen
IN1 = 17
IN2 = 27
IN3 = 22
IN4 = 23
# GPIO instellen
GPIO.setup(SOUND_SENSOR_PIN, GPIO.IN) # Geluidssensor als input
# Stepper motor sequentie (4-fase stappen)
step_sequence = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1]
# Instellingen voor piekdetectie
HISTORY_SIZE = 10 # Hoeveel metingen we bijhouden
THRESHOLD = 7 # Aantal HIGH's in HISTORY_SIZE om als piek te zien
MINIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME = 1 # Minimal actief blijven (seconden)
# Historie van geluidmetingen
sound_history = deque([1] * HISTORY_SIZE, maxlen=HISTORYSIZE)
def set_step(w1, w2, w3, w4):
"""Stel de status van de motorpinnen in."""
GPIO.output(IN1, w1)
GPIO.output(IN2, w2)
GPIO.output(IN3, w3)
GPIO.output(IN4, w4)
def step_motor(steps, delay):
"""Draai de motor een aantal stappen."""
for _ in range(steps):
for step in step_sequence:
while True:
# Lees de huidige status van de geluidssensor
# Voeg de huidige meting toe aan de historie
# Tel hoeveel keer HIGH (1) in historie
low_count = sound_history.count(0)
# Controleer of er een piek is
if low_count >= THRESHOLD:
print("Piek in geluid gedetecteerd! Steppermotor draait.")
step_motor(512, 0.002) # Draai 512 stappen vooruit
sound_hitory.clear() # Reset de historie na een plek
sound_history.extend([1] * HISTORY_SIZE) # Vermijd snelle heractivatie
sleep(MINIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME) # Zorg dat de motor niet constant triggert
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nProgramma gestopt.")
GPIO.cleanup() # Reset de GPIO-instellingen
Click File > Save As and name the file sound_controlled_motor.py.
Click the greenRun button (▶) at the top the Thonny interface.