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IIn this project you will learn how to Raspberry Pi based NAS with Open Media Vault. NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. This means that you can connect to this storage from any computer via the internet.

This Raspberry Pi NAS manual covers:  

  • Supplies
  • De Raspberry Pi prepare
  • De Raspberry Pi Set up
  • Open Install Media Vault
  • Configure Open Media Vault
  • Connect to your NAS

After this manual you will know how to Raspberry Pi 4 you can make your own NAS. 

  • Level - Medium 50% 50%
  • Duration - 90-120 min 66% 66%
  • Costs - € 75,75 to € 133,69 exc. external storage 50% 50%

Supplies Raspberry Pi NAS projects:

Step 1: You Raspberry Pi prepare

Now that you've got everything ready, let's start installing Raspbian Lite. Raspbian Lite is the lightest version of Raspbian, the OS for the Raspberry Pi. Insert your micro SD card into your computer via an adapter and start the Raspberry Pi imager on. stand the Raspberry Pi imager to make adjustments to your system.

You will now see the following:

Here you can see the Raspberry Pi imager. Click on the left button. It is labeled "CHOOSE OS".

We will first select an Operating System (OS). In this case, Raspbian Lite.
In the new version of the Imager this is under Raspberry Pi OS (other). Here it is called Raspberry Pi OSLite.


Here you see the OS selection menu. Click on Raspbian (other).
Here you can choose between Raspbian Lite and Raspbian Full. We choose Lite.

Now that you have selected your OS, it is time to select the correct SD card.

Here you can see that your OS is selected. Now click on "CHOOSE SD CARD".

We use a 16GB micro SD card. What you see here may differ based on your micro SD card.

Here you see a list of all SD cards. Select your SD card here.

We use a 16GB micro SD card. The text may differ depending on your SD card.

Now that you have selected your SD card. Are we going to write the OS on this card. Click on "WRITE".

You will now go through the next three screens. When the writing process is finished, you can close the imager. Then remove the micro SD card.

Here you can see a progress bar with the progress of the imager writing the OS
Here you will see a progress bar showing how far the imager is with verifying the written OS
When you see this screen, the whole process is done. Shut down the imager and remove the micro SD card from your PC.

Step 2: De Raspberry Pi Set up

Now that you have Raspbian Lite installed on your micro SD card, it is time to make some adjustments to the settings. Be the first to insert the micro SD card back into the computer. This process consists of a step that you only need to perform if you do not have an Ethernet connection. The second step is necessary for both an Ethernet connection and a wireless connection.

Step 2.1: Configure WiFi (not necessary if you have an ethernet connection)

First go to the windows explorer and then to this computer.
You will now find a similar screen. Now click on the “boot” disk.

You are now in the windows explorer. Click on My Computer. Then select the "boot" drive.

We are going to work in the “boot” disk. Again, the image on the right is similar to your screen.

Here you see an overview of the "boot" disk.

What we are going to do now is edit the ”wpa_supplicant.conf” 'and add it to the ”boot” disk. You should have downloaded this file from supplies. If not, look below this text. Open the document with notepad. You should now see the following text. If not, copy the following text.



ctrl_interface = DIR = / var / run / wpa_suppliant GROUP = netdev
update_config = 1
country = NL

network = {
 ssid = "Your_Network_Name"
 psk = "Your_Network_Password"
 key_mgmt = WPA-PSK

Now change “Your_Network_Name” and “Your_Network_Password” with your WiFi's name and password.

In our case:
Name: Electronics For You
Password: Electronics @ 123

Here you see an example of the end result.

ctrl_interface = DIR = / var / run / wpa_suppliant GROUP = netdev
update_config = 1
country = NL

network = {
 ssid = "Electronics For You"
 psk = ”Electronics @ 1234 ″
 key_mgmt = WPA-PSK

If you have edited this document and saved it to the "boot" disk you can go to the next step.

Step 2.2: Configure remote approach

Go to the windows explorer and then to this computer. Now click on the hard drive named: ”boot”. And paste the following file here: ssh

You are now ready to install Open Media Vault. Remove the micro SD card from your PC and put the micro SD card in your Raspberry Pi. Now connect the Raspberry Pi with your power supply and possibly with an Ethernet cable.

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Ebook Getting Started Raspberry Pi

Step 3: Install Open Media Vault

We are now going to connect to our Raspberry pi. This process consists of two steps. Finding the IP address of the Raspberry and connecting and installing Open Media Vault.

Step 3.1: Find the IP address

Search in the search bar “cmd”. Then click enter.

The program you see on the right should now be open. Type the command 'ipconfig' and hit enter.


Here you see the program: Command Prompt.

You will see the following screen.

Search for IPv4 Address. Here you will find your IP address. This is important for finding the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.


Your IP address will consist of xxxx, in our case 

Open now advanced IP scanner, a preparation program.

Here you see the results of ipconfig. Find your IPv4 Address and write it down.

You will see this now. In the circled line type xxx0-254, so in our case

Then click Scan.

This is the home screen of advanced IP scanner

Wait until you have finished scanning.

Here advanced IP scanner is scanning.

You will now see a list of device names, IP addresses, manufacturers and MAC addresses. At the Raspberry Pi unfortunately we can't see a manufacturer or name. So we're going to search by MAC address. A MAC address consists of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX. At a Raspberry Pi always starts with DC:A6:32: or B8:27:EB: . Now look for such a MAC address and see which IP address it contains. In our case ''.

The IP scanner is ready. Now we are going to find the Raspberry

Step 3.2: Connecting with you Raspberry Pi

Go back to the windows search bar and type 'cmd'. Click on enter.

You will now see the following screen.


Now type 'ssh pi@xxxx', where xxxx is the IP address of your Raspberry Pi is. So in our case it becomes 'ssh pi@'. After filling in, click on enter.

Command Prompt

You will now see the following. Type 'yes'. Click on enter.

SSH authentication

You will be asked for a password. The default password is 'raspberry'. Enter this password. While typing passwords, no characters will appear. This is normal. Click enter after entering your password.



Here you enter the password of the Raspberry Pi .
Now that you are connected to the Raspberry Pi you are going to copy the following command to the command prompt. You do this by pressing ctrl + c and then in the command prompt ctrl + v and then a right-click. See below the command.

passwd && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && wget -O - | sudo bash


This command will change your password. As a result, no one can just reach you via the command prompt Raspberry Pi. An update will then take place. There will come a time when the process will stop and you will be asked if you are sure. You answer this with y or n. Type 'y' and then click enter. The process will now continue on its own. When the process is finished, you can close the command prompt.



It may be that at some point the script stops moving forward. This means that the IP address of your Raspberry Pi is changed. This is no problem. The installation will continue as usual. Scan again for the IP address and reconnect via command prompt. When you are connected, you know that the connection is working via the new IP address and you can close the command prompt again.


Here the command is entered and executed.
Here you can change the password of the Raspberry Pi. When typing passwords, you will not see any characters appear.
Here the script stops proceeding to ask if you are sure. Type 'y' and click enter.

Step 4: Configure Open Media Vault

Now that you have installed Open Media Vault, we need to configure your NAS. Plug your USB stick(s) and/or hard drives into the USB ports of the Raspberry Pi. Now open your web browser.

In a web browser, go to your .'s IP address Raspberry Pi. Then you come to this screen. Enter 'admin' under name and 'openmediavault' under password.

Go to your IP address in a web browser Raspberry Pi. You will then come to this screen. Enter 'admin' under name and 'openmediavault' under password.

After logging in you will come to the dashboard† On the left you will see a row of settings. Under the heading 'System', go to 'Network'.

After logging in you will come to the dashboard† On the left you will see a row of measurement settings. Under the heading 'System', go to 'Network'.

Now we are in the network settings. Here you can enter the name of your Raspberry Pi change. We have called it 'EVJ-NAS'.


Now go under the heading 'System' to 'General settings'. And then click on 'Password of the web administrator'.


Now go to 'Disks' under the heading 'Storage'. Here you should find both your USB stick (s) and SD card. If not. Click on search and they should be found. If you are using a hard drive, keep in mind that it is not supplied with power via the USB port, but from an external source.


Now go under the heading 'Storage' to 'File systems'. Here your USB storage should now be visible. If not, go to create. Select one of your external storage drives, give them a name at 'label' and click OK.


Now we have adjusted a number of settings. At the top you see a yellow bar. Click on 'Apply' here and then click on OK. The system takes a moment to load, but the settings are applied.

Now we have adjusted a number of settings. At the top you see a yellow bar. Click on 'Apply' here and then click on Ok. The system takes a moment to load, but the settings are applied.

Now go to the heading 'Services' and go to 'SMB / CIFS'. Here we are going to make your NAS accessible from a PC. Click on enable and save the changes via the yellow bar at the top.


Now go to shared resources. Here we are going to create the public file. Click on add.


We will now add your shared resource. Click on the '+' sign next to 'Shared folder'.

We will now add your shared resource. Click on the '+' sign next to 'Shared folder'.

We are now going to add a shared folder. Come up with a name, in our case EVJ. Now select one of your USB storage devices and select 'everyone: read / write' under permissions.

We are now going to add a shared folder. Make up a name, In our case EVJ. Now select one of your USB storage devices and select 'everyone: read / write' under permissions.
We are now going to add a shared folder. Make up a name, In our case EVJ. Now select one of your USB storage devices and select 'everyone: read / write' under permissions.

Now that you've added a shared folder, let's go back to the source. Under 'Public' select 'Allow guests'. Now click on save. And save the adjustments to the settings via the yellow bar.

Now that you have added a shared folder. Let's go back to the source. Under 'Public' select 'Allow guests'. Now click on save. And save the adjustments to the settings via the yellow bar.

Now go to the top right at the three dots and the arrow down to the Reboot command. Only do this if your Raspberry Pi is connected via Ethernet.

Here we add a shared folder

Now go through all the settings that you have adjusted. It may be that something is not stored correctly. In this case, adjust the settings again and save them via the yellow bar.

Step 5: Access your NAS

We are now going to access your NAS via a windows machine. If you have a MacBook or Linux machine then you are now ready.

In the windows explorer, go to the heading 'Network'. Here you should now be able to see a computer with the name of your NAS. If it is not there, press the F5 button on your keyboard. A yellow bar may appear indicating that network discovery is turned off. Click the Enable network discovery button and press F5 again. Now that you see your NAS in the list, you can click on it. You may have to enter a username and password. Type in the name 'admin' and as password the password you created at the web interface. Now you will see one or more folders in which you can save your data.

So now you can Raspberry Pi use as a NAS.


Here you see our NAS

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