Arduino Projects
Arduino Project: Temperature and Humidity DHT22 IoT Cloud
Level - Average Duration - 30 / 45 Min Cost - €41,84 euros complete This project offers you the opportunity to collect and visualize temperature and humidity data using the Arduino IoT Cloud. You will also learn a DHT22 temperature and...
Arduino Project: DS18B20 Thermometer
In this project you will learn how to make a thermometer with an Arduino. The temperatures that are measured will show you on a seven segment screen. As a sensor we use a DS18B20 temperature sensor. For the seven segment screen we use a...
Arduino project: Machine-learning Color detection
In this project we use the color and proximity sensor on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. We also need the new Arduino_KNN library. This library uses Tiny Machine Learning. In this project we will distinguish objects based on ...
Arduino Project: Weather station
In this Arduino project you will learn how to make your own weather station. You do this on the basis of a DHT11 temperature & humidity sensor and an LDR. The temperature, humidity and brightness are displayed on a 16x2 LCD display. This one...
Arduino & Raspberry Pi communication project
In this project you will learn how to communicate between an Arduino and Raspberry Pi. In this project we assume that you Raspberry Pi OS and that Node-RED is installed. This guide covers: Supplies Wire the Arduino...
Arduino IoT Cloud Lesson 4: HC-SR04
This is the fourth lesson from the Arduino IoT Cloud manual. Have you not yet taken the first lessons? View this HERE. In this lesson you will learn how to read the value of an HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor in the Arduino IoT. We store these values so that we can ...
Arduino IoT Cloud lesson 3: Push button
This is the third lesson from the Arduino IoT Cloud manual. Have you not yet taken the first lessons? View this HERE. In this lesson you will learn how to see in the Arduino IoT Cloud whether a button is on or off (pressed or not pressed). If you later with many buttons ...
Arduino IoT Cloud lesson 2: Potmeter
This is the second lesson from the Arduino IoT Cloud manual. Have you not taken the first class yet? View these HERE. During the first lesson you learned how to turn a light on and off. In this second lesson you will learn how to adjust the value of a potentiometer ...
Arduino IoT Cloud Lesson 1: Light
This is the first lesson from the Arduino IoT Cloud manual. In this first lesson you will learn how to configure your new Arduino Nano 33 IoT in Arduino Create. We explain the basic concepts in the IoT cloud and show you how to control a light via ...
Arduino Project: Flash
The Arduino Blink project is the project that every Arduino beginner should start with. It's a simple project that you should be able to get working within 1 minute. In this project you show the onboard LED flashing. Standard 1 second on and 1 second off, but...
Arduino Project: Piezo Piano
In this project I show you how to make your own Arduino piezo piano. With this simple and inexpensive project you can very quickly demonstrate how a keypad works on the Arduino. In this project we use a Arduino UNO, a breadboard and a digital 4×4...
Arduino Project: RGB LED Lamp
In this project I'll show you how to make your own RGB LED light that changes color when you press the button. In this simple project you will learn to change color of an RGB LED with a button. With help from a Arduino UNO Level -...
Arduino Project: Radars
In this project I will show you how to make an Arduino Radar yourself. This is an intermediate / advanced project. When your project is assembled, objects up to 50 cm from the sensor will display. If you change the code, the radar can detect objects up to 5 meters. In front of...
Arduino Project: Simon Says
In this Arduino project I show how you can make the Simon says game with an Arduino. Simon Says is a game where you have 4 lights, each connected to a push button. In the beginning, one light will light up, then press the corresponding ...
Arduino Introduction: LED Matrix
With this project I show how you can control a ball on an 8 × 8 LED matrix. With the two potentiometers you can move the ball over the X and Y axis of the matrix. In this project you will learn how to use a LED matrix and how to measure the values of a ...
Arduino Project: Knight Rider
During this project you will learn how to make the moving lights from KITT from the series knight rider. Knight rider is an '80s series about Michael Knight and a highly advanced car called KITT that fight crime together. This is a beginner project where ...
Arduino Introduction: Servo Control
Do you want to use a servo but don't know how? In this project I will tell you everything you need to know about servo motors! A servo motor is a motor that can make a precise movement using gears. This is done through the ...
Arduino Project: LDR
In this project you let an LDR light on or off, depending on whether more or less light shines. We use an LDR for this project. LDR stands for light depending resistor. Which means that the resistance depends on the amount ...
Arduino Project: Buzzer
Have you always wanted to add sound or music to your Arduino projects? It's easier than you think! In this project I'll show you how to play a song using a buzzer. We're going to let the Arduino play Vader Jacob through the hertz of the buzzer ...
Arduino project: Humidity meter
If you ever wonder what the humidity in your house is then this project is for you! During this project you will learn how to make a humidity meter using a DHT11 sensor and a 16X2 LCD screen. A DHT11 is a sensor that ...
Arduino project: Calculator
In this fun project you will learn how to make your own Arduino calculator. You can use this calculator for simple calculations. These are plus, minus, times, or divided by. So don't expect to be able to solve equations with it. We do this ...
Arduino Project: LED marquee
In this project you will learn how to make your own LED newspaper. We do this with a 32X8 LED matrix and a Arduino UNO. The code that comes with this project is long. This is because you have to make every letter, number and the like yourself on a 7X8 grid. The reason it's 7...
Arduino Project: RFID LED controller
In this project I will show you how to connect an RFID reader to your Arduino yourself. This project gives you a basic idea of how RFID works. We are going to let several LEDs light up with a Pass and a Keychain. When you are done with this project you can ...
Arduino Project: Stepper motor speed controller
In this project you will learn how to drive a 5V DC 28YBJ-48 Stepper Motor with a ULN2003 Driver Board and an Arduino Uno. At the end of this project you can control a stepper motor yourself to later make a machine, a robot or even a 3D printer. This...
Arduino Project: Basic IR Remote Control
In this project you will learn how to connect an IR controller to a Arduino Uno and how to define the buttons. Level - BeginnerDuration - 20/30MinCost - €34,35 euro completeStep 1: Supplies IR Remote control projectStep 2: Build and Wire Arduino...
Arduino Project: Thermometer
In this project you will learn how to easily make an Arduino thermometer with an LM35.The Arduino thermometer will show text and temperature on a display. For this project we use a 16 × 2 LCD display, an LM35 temperature sensor and a ...
Arduino Project: Touch lamp
This is the 17th project from the Starter kit for Arduino. You will learn how to control 3 LED lights with a Arduino Uno and a Touch sensor. This is an easy project that you can complete in about 15 minutes. But this is also an excellent project to...
Arduino project: I2C LCD
In this project I explain how you can connect an I2C LCD. I will also show you how to put text on an LCD and how to move it. We connect the display that we use via the I2C on the back, which means that we only ...
Arduino Project: Alarm
In this project you will learn how to make an Arduino alarm yourself. This is a nice project for your room, you can put it almost anywhere and it is easy to adapt to the environment by the simple code. In addition, you will learn to work with the HC-SR04. In this project ...
Arduino Project: Arduino Clock
In this project I will show you how to make an Arduino clock yourself. With this Arduino clock you can see the date and time. In this project we use a 16 × 2 LCD screen, a real time clock module and a potentiometer. The real time clock (from now on RTC) is actually ...
Your next Arduino projects
Here you will find nice Arduino projects in Dutch. Especially for you, we explain step by step how you can get started today. With us you will find projects for beginners and advanced.
Arduino projects for beginners
You don't have to be an electronics & programming expert to get started with Arduino. Arduino is the ideal platform to learn how to work with electronics. More and more Arduino over the years boards developed. This makes it possible to make more and larger projects. It doesn't matter if you are still in primary school or if you want to use Arduino for professional purposes. Arduino offers endless possibilities.
Different projects
You can make a simple project like flashing a light. After you have made several small projects you can get started with an advanced project. We are continuously making new sample projects. So you can always start a new project again.
Projects for advanced students
Are you already familiar with Arduino, but are you still looking for a nice challenge? Then view one of our advanced projects. These projects are more extensive than the projects for beginners. We often go deeper into certain topics such as: object detection.
Create your own project
After creating the projects you are able to think of projects yourself. For example, make a robot that can detect objects and then drive around them. The possibilities with Arduino are endless. Let your imagination run wild and adapt our projects to your wishes!